Tag: advice

  • How to create change

    How to create change

    Recently there was an article in Medium by a Zouk dancer who tried to get in a milonga in NY and felt the rejection and the disrespect (to say the least) of the dancers there. I also have discussed a lot over the few years of running this blog about similar issues and I have…


  • Am I lazy?

    Am I lazy?

    Recently, however, I bumped into a very interesting video exactly about all this industry of self-help and continuous never-ending self-improvement. One of the major points in this self-improvement mentality is that if you choose to follow it you are implicitly accepting that you need improvement. That you are not good enough. If you constantly see…


  • Contagious harmony

    Contagious harmony

    “I miss the harmony. Looking at the people dancing, I miss the harmony. It’s like I see people fighting.” She told me in the after-marathon milonga casually discussing her experience. I asked for more explanation but she couldn’t really give me an example to understand what she meant. Sometimes it takes time to understand something.…


  • Designers and DJs who want to stand out

    Designers and DJs who want to stand out

    Designers who want to differentiate themselves try to deviate from these patterns and often fall victim to what is called familiarity bias. If you put for example the contact information of a website on the bottom but in the middle left area people will take more time to find that information. If you do so…


  • Data, distance and biases

    Data, distance and biases

    You can ask the participants of an event how was the event and you will possibly get a big spectrum of answers from amazing to awful! Why does this happen? Because we all have our own experiences and expectations. Some get to dance more than others… some get to enjoy the chatting more than the…


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