Category: Social
Posts dealing with social aspects fo Tango
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Tango is dead
It’s all about the language again. Yes. If we see Tango as a language, together with all the characteristics we use to describe its functions we should also examine its historical evolution. In particular if tango (as a language) is still alive or dead. Languages can die when the population that uses them is either…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Perpetual beginners and useless teachers
In one of my previous posts about the lost beginners, a reader of the blog shared it with a phrase he remembers his teacher telling him. “This is a perpetual beginner…” he said. The discussion that followed was a very interesting and enlightening one and it went in the direction of whose fault and responsibility…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Apples, oranges and human brains
The training required for a human brain to recognize the pattern of an orange, apple, or any other object for that matter is really minimal. Sometimes you don’t even need the visual stimuli but only a verbal description of the object can be enough to train your brain to identify those objects. But this pattern…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
The lost beginners
You have danced with the best dancers in it and people admire you when they see you on the floor. You know that although you can have fun with your old classmate it will not look as good as when you dance with the elite. So what do you do? Would you continue dancing with…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Tango addicts and dealers
If we, as dancers, are addicts, this makes the event organizers our “drug” dealers… our Tango-drug dealers. Especially the ones in our local community. They organize events where we can get our dose of Tandas. When there is a market opportunity, for example, an area or a time slot where there is no event some…