Category: Story Telling

Posts that have to do with dance as a story telling process.

  • Inspiring stories


    Inspiring stories

    “You look so passionate when you talk about Tango!” a colleague of mine told me at a recent dinner with my team from work. Indeed, when I start speaking about Tango with a group of people who are not dancers I light up! You can see in my body language that I am excited about…

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  • Is it a party or a war?


    Is it a party or a war?

    I had a discussion the other day with a relative of mine who just finished a school for tattoo artists. The discussion evolved around the meaning of having a tattoo and what if you don’t like something after some time. In between other things, he mentioned something that struck me as quite interesting. A tattoo…

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  • What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life


    What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life

    In the case of the dialog and fight communities, the dialog communities have found the tool to find the way out of it. They discovered their “god from the machine” but they did not let him solve the problem alone. They moved their hand too… they took action… talked… discussed… compromised and reached the necessary…

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  • Is it really your own story?


    Is it really your own story?

    Then whose story is this in the end? Is it the story you had in mind to tell in the beginning? Is it the story your partner wanted to listen to? Is it the story they wanted to tell you?

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  • How do you tell a story?


    How do you tell a story?

    What can we learn from TTS software, ebook reading apps, and so many other communication experiences? If the voice has its tools to communicate emotions what are the equivalent tools in our dance?

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