Tag: cool kids

  • Promotions and responsibilities


    Promotions and responsibilities

    Some advanced dancers will tell you that they don’t want to take on more responsibilities in their lives. They come to Tango to enjoy and have fun. They already have a lot of responsibilities in their lives and don’t want Tango to add more to them. Like the responsibility that is asked is something huge!…

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  • Raising Tango babies


    Raising Tango babies

    I often hear from seasoned dancers “I am not going to dance with beginners or generally people who are not at my level because… I want to have fun in the milonga… because rejection will make beginners stronger… they will build character… learn to work to reach me…”… the list can go on forever. So…

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  • Chefs and event organizers


    Chefs and event organizers

    Skin in the game is a principle that says when you trust someone else to do a job for you then it is much better if this someone is also exposed to the risks of not doing the job properly. If the chef and cooks don’t cook well they risk poisoning or not enjoying their…

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  • Hooked



    Tango as a social dance is really another social network. So, what is the investment you build in this network? Your reputation. Everyone wants to be a prominent member… a dancer that attracts others to dance… a dancer who almost always enjoys their tandas.

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  • Some like it hot!


    Some like it hot!

    So as an organizer, you can make a decision. Do I want to create a cool or a hot event? If you know you can control the number of cool kids or connectors and accept them.

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