Tag: leader

  • Flawed


    We are all flawed, incomplete peripherals, and the irony of the dance is exactly that. You need two to dance it but you will never experience it in its entirety. You can never understand the dance in its entirety.


  • Incomplete


    If you ever really grasp this… you can understand that there is no leading and following in Tango. There was never such a thing… not even from its beginning. There is only cooperation… partnership… like in a family… in a couple… from the age of cavemen till today… where the man hunted and the woman…


  • Engineering and Tango

    Engineering and Tango

    If you give the same problem to a number of engineers it is possible to get different solutions,  each carrying something from the personality and the background of each person. Of course, there are specific patterns to be followed but again, there is plenty of room for improvisation.


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