Category: Self exploration

Posts about how tango relates with self development and exploration

  • Unknown or unseen?


    Unknown or unseen?

    If you read this blog, you might think I am some kind of super-famous dancer. You might think I am known in milongas. You know… the kind of person who immediately attracts attention when he enters the space. The truth is that I am quite the opposite. Maybe, I became a little “famous” in the…

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  • Are you a diamond or a bottle of water?


    Are you a diamond or a bottle of water?

    Imagine that someone offers to give you for free a diamond or a bottle of water. Which one would you choose? I guess that most people reading this question would answer… “The diamond”. If you compare the prices of the two goods, there is no doubt that diamonds cost more. That is why you would…

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  • A Tanda away


    A Tanda away

    Let’s do an exercise. Think about some of the strongest memories in your life so far. Just pick a few that come to mind. Done?… Now answer the following questions. Do these moments involve another person or were they moments that you were alone? Is there an emotion attached to those moments?

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  • Why am I doing this?


    Why am I doing this?

    “Thank you for doing this for the community” he told me referring to my blog posts. To be honest I didn’t know how to react. All this started like a joke. I started by posting small texts on Facebook for my friends and as the discussions led to new texts and the new texts led…

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  • Do I have it in me?


    Do I have it in me?

    A few days ago Dimitris posted a text that was arguing that musicality is not something that you have intuitively but rather a skill that you learn. A friend of mine commented below that she believed that there is something in some people that makes them more musical than others. I argued that it is…

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