Category: Self exploration

Posts about how tango relates with self development and exploration

  • Classes? Me? Why?

    Classes? Me? Why?

    A few months ago I posted an article saying that I no longer care to take classes. The day the article was posted I signed up for a weekend of classes with Paula Tejeda and Lucas Carizio. Now you are wondering if I am a split personality or if I was just trolling you in…


  • Poor looking rich dancers

    Poor looking rich dancers

    In Greece, there is a saying that goes like this “You can’t hide money, love and coughing!” The meaning is that like cough someone who is rich or in love cannot hide either of them with their behaviour.  Although I agree on love and cough lately I realized that money can be hidden. Actually, there…


  • When dreams come true

    When dreams come true

    It’s not the first time I’ve listened to this. I have to admit that even the first time I had a trophy tanda I was stressed. Even to this day… after already having some experiences like… sometimes I do feel stressed… I feel my heart beating fast… my mind goes crazy… and this is when…


  • Chasing trophy tandas

    Chasing trophy tandas

    “I made it.”… they told me. “I danced with X.”… mentioning a famous dancer and then we continued our discussion about how it felt etc. Oftentimes people tell me about how they danced with such and such a partner who is someone famous or a teacher or a prominent advanced dancer in some way. I…


  • Am I lazy?

    Am I lazy?

    Recently, however, I bumped into a very interesting video exactly about all this industry of self-help and continuous never-ending self-improvement. One of the major points in this self-improvement mentality is that if you choose to follow it you are implicitly accepting that you need improvement. That you are not good enough. If you constantly see…


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