Category: Self exploration

Posts about how tango relates with self development and exploration

  • Guilts, ships and life routes

    Guilts, ships and life routes

    Yes… I am guilty as charged. In my post, a couple of weeks ago about the “high stool” problem, I received some very interesting comments. In one of them, a reader commented that I was trying to invent a clever mechanism to get people on their guilt trip. I understand the point. I was judging…


  • True leaders

    True leaders

    My most visited post in 2023 had been triggered by a post of one of the major community leaders in Frankfurt. After a few weeks of my post, I saw a new one from the same person publicly accepting that he went too far in the previous post and that he shouldn’t have done so.…


  • About last year

    About last year

    Fast forward a few months later and I am at the best event I have attended so far in my tango journey. Another DJ starts a tanda with the same song. The introduction this time is a sign for me to move as quickly as possible and find a partner. This time, although people are…


  • My tango home

    My tango home

    “Are you dancing in Germany?”. That’s a question I often get when I am back in Greece and visit milongas. My answer is usually “Yes… even more than here!”. Recently a guy I know in Greece was asking me how is the community in Germany and how is the Tango scene there. I responded by…


  • Returning home

    Returning home

    A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit a milonga in my hometown. I was born and lived till I was 18 in a small town called Xanthi in Greece. The old town of Xanthi is a very picturesque and lovely place that I keep dear in my heart because these are the…


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