Tag: opinion

  • Opening sequence


    Opening sequence

    The common pattern in all the previous stories is that the mood and emotion of the tanda is set right from the first moments of it. If the Mirada is a teaser trailer of a movie then the first few seconds of the embrace, the way it is formed, the time it takes, the shape…

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  • Traditions vs evolution


    Traditions vs evolution

    For better or for worse societies evolve. In all different places, time brings changes. In some places quicker than others… in some places different than others… but all in all the world is evolving. Tango is part of this evolving world and obviously cannot stay uninfluenced by the changes happening in it. Therefore, it is…

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  • Chefs and event organizers


    Chefs and event organizers

    Skin in the game is a principle that says when you trust someone else to do a job for you then it is much better if this someone is also exposed to the risks of not doing the job properly. If the chef and cooks don’t cook well they risk poisoning or not enjoying their…

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  • What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life


    What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life

    In the case of the dialog and fight communities, the dialog communities have found the tool to find the way out of it. They discovered their “god from the machine” but they did not let him solve the problem alone. They moved their hand too… they took action… talked… discussed… compromised and reached the necessary…

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  • Is it really your own story?


    Is it really your own story?

    Then whose story is this in the end? Is it the story you had in mind to tell in the beginning? Is it the story your partner wanted to listen to? Is it the story they wanted to tell you?

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