Tag: story

  • The biggest barrier to Tango!


    The biggest barrier to Tango!

    The 3rd of December is the International Day for people with disabilities. A few days before that I had posted an article about technique and the obsession that sometimes we have with technique that takes away our focus from the real pleasure of the dance which is the communication of emotions. In one of the…

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  • Presence: The key to get connected


    Presence: The key to get connected

    You can easily understand when your partner is distracted. Even worse when they are totally absent. If they intentionally choose not to follow something and suggest something else they would immediately follow up with their idea and I would try to tune in. You understand that they are there and make choices. But if there…

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  • Selfdriven followers


    Selfdriven followers

    When I was in Greece I had to drive myself every morning to the office and this drove me crazy. I always dreamed of having a fully autonomous car that would just get me to wherever I wanted while I could be sleeping, reading, etc. What does this have to do with trust and musicality?…

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  • Finding your own Tango


    Finding your own Tango

    Dancers who really stay memorable when you dance with them, do so because they manage to express and evoke emotions. The easy part is to be happy, express joy, love, and affection. But is this our whole self? The hard part is to be able to express pain, hurt, sadness, despair, anger, and all those…

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  • Professional hobbyist (snob?) teachers


    Professional hobbyist (snob?) teachers

    It is very rewarding and a bliss to make work on something that started as a hobby. However from the time your hobby becomes your full time job, you get paid for it and you make a living it is getting harder and harder to see it again as a hobby. Therefore it is harder…

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