Category: Best of 2024
The most popular posts of 2024
Christos Kouroupetroglou
It is a woman’s world.
In a comment I received on my post about men in Tango, there was the suggestion that we don’t have enough good leaders and that followers turning to leaders will increase competition between leaders pushing them to get better. In theory, this argument sounds perfect. Indeed. In a market with a small amount of suppliers…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
A ridiculously biased, toxic man. Me!
What I consider normal is not necessarily normal for you and vice versa. Normal is just a construct of our minds. Actually there is not just one “normal”, there are many “normals”. Yours, mine, the guy who just found the post by accident, the lady’s who is looking for a cheesecake recipe and found this…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Power games and a debunked theory
It all started with an excellent post by Oa Metzner in her Facebook profile. She described her experience so far in the role of leader and urged men to be careful with the power they have and how they use it. I reposted her text and I also followed the comments on her post. I…