Adios Buenos Aires

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Tonight’s Goodnight Tango is about leaving Buenos Aires and it is inspired by the news from two very good tango friends.

Our lives are like a journey and as Kavafis writes in his poem “As you set out for Ithaka hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery”. When you leave a place (or even a job, a house, your school, etc)… when a circle in your life closes… there are always mixed feelings… there is the sadness of leaving behind friends, family, habits, and many other little joys of your daily life… and (hopefully) the excitement for the new… the new friends… the new experiences… the new life. Sometimes… when you live in the moment… the sadness might seem bigger… the change might seem frightening… but always… in retrospect… every end is a new beginning… hoping for something better.

So… my wishes for the best to all of you who constantly “travel” in your lives and especially to those who inspired this post!


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