Tag: life

  • A Tanda away


    A Tanda away

    Let’s do an exercise. Think about some of the strongest memories in your life so far. Just pick a few that come to mind. Done?… Now answer the following questions. Do these moments involve another person or were they moments that you were alone? Is there an emotion attached to those moments?

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  • Why am I doing this?


    Why am I doing this?

    “Thank you for doing this for the community” he told me referring to my blog posts. To be honest I didn’t know how to react. All this started like a joke. I started by posting small texts on Facebook for my friends and as the discussions led to new texts and the new texts led…

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  • Easy assumptions


    Easy assumptions

    In one comment I received in a previous post one of the double role advocates was writing about all the different reasons why one should learn and dance both roles. In the end, she ended up saying that people who don’t want to dance with same-gender people must have some insecurity about their sexuality. Strike…

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  • Roles, identities and… the catch


    Roles, identities and… the catch

    In most of the comments and arguments about roles, the common denominator is that when we involve the genders people tend to forget that we are talking about roles and not about identities. Take for example any actor in any movie. Let’s say Tom Hanks in the movie California. He played the role of a…

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  • We need you


    We need you

    I haven’t seen her for some time but I assumed she was on vacation. It was summertime and I assumed our timings were a bit off so we hadn’t seen each other for a couple of months or so. When I saw her, I asked how she was. What she told me was surprising. She…

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