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  • Retention rates and “bad” milongas

    Retention rates and “bad” milongas

    In the previous post, I wrote about a friend comparing the vibe from two different milongas. I pointed out the behaviours of organisers that can create a “colder” vibe. Usually, such milongas attract and cater more to advanced dancers, and that is why the organisers…

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  • Why is your milonga so… “cold”?

    Why is your milonga so… “cold”?

    “When I am in milonga A I feel like home but in milonga B I feel I need to be careful with each and every step I take… I feel like I am constantly under judgment.” A friend of mine told me that comparing the vibe he gets between two…

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  • Why are you rich?

    Why are you rich?

    Bill Gates. You all know him. Right? However, did you know that in 1968 Bill Gates was one of the 300 students who attended the Lakeside School? Out of 18 million high school students who lived in the US (303 million worldwide), he had the luck to attend one of…

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  • Inclusiveness intentions, actions and results.

    Inclusiveness intentions, actions and results.

    Lately, I see often in milongas, statements along the lines of “we are against discrimination based on gender, religion, colour etc.”. I never really paid much attention. I found this a nice gesture. But recently I started questioning whether this is true or just a statement. Is it like the…

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  • Unknown or unseen?

    Unknown or unseen?

    If you read this blog, you might think I am some kind of super-famous dancer. You might think I am known in milongas. You know… the kind of person who immediately attracts attention when he enters the space. The truth is that I am quite the opposite. Maybe, I became…

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  • Are you a diamond or a bottle of water?

    Are you a diamond or a bottle of water?

    Imagine that someone offers to give you for free a diamond or a bottle of water. Which one would you choose? I guess that most people reading this question would answer… “The diamond”. If you compare the prices of the two goods, there is no doubt that diamonds cost more.…

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  • A Tanda away

    A Tanda away

    Let’s do an exercise. Think about some of the strongest memories in your life so far. Just pick a few that come to mind. Done?… Now answer the following questions. Do these moments involve another person or were they moments that you were alone? Is there an emotion attached to…

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Top 3 of 2024

  • It is a woman’s world.

    It is a woman’s world.

    In a comment I received on my post about men in Tango, there was the suggestion that we don’t have enough good leaders and that followers turning to leaders will increase competition between leaders pushing them to get better. In theory, this argument sounds perfect. Indeed. In a market with a small amount of suppliers…

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  • A ridiculously biased, toxic man. Me!

    A ridiculously biased, toxic man. Me!

    What I consider normal is not necessarily normal for you and vice versa. Normal is just a construct of our minds. Actually there is not just one “normal”, there are many “normals”. Yours, mine, the guy who just found the post by accident, the lady’s who is looking for a cheesecake recipe and found this…

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  • Power games and a debunked theory

    Power games and a debunked theory

    It all started with an excellent post by Oa Metzner in her Facebook profile. She described her experience so far in the role of leader and urged men to be careful with the power they have and how they use it. I reposted her text and I also followed the comments on her post. I…

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Top 3 of 2023

  • Tango addicts and dealers

    Tango addicts and dealers

    If we, as dancers, are addicts, this makes the event organizers our “drug” dealers… our Tango-drug dealers. Especially the ones in our local community. They organize events where we can get our dose of Tandas. When there is a market opportunity, for example, an area or a time slot where there is no event some…

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  • Men, sex and Tango

    Men, sex and Tango

    A common misconception as already mentioned is that people who dance Tango, do so because they are trying to find a love partner. Even worse some men might think it’s a nice opportunity to hook up with lots of women and spice up their sex life. I already wrote that these misconceptions often lead to…

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  • Dialog vs fight

    Dialog vs fight

    Tango is also a social dance and being social means that it needs to integrate differences. It includes people from different cultures, backgrounds, nationalities, styles, etc., and brings them all together in its embrace. Its history is full of differences and disagreements between styles, orchestras, generations, etc. Being social means that inevitably there will be…

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