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Milonga video stories
Milonga video stories

The GoodnightTango YouTube channel and Instagram account are two accounts dedicated to promoting social tango.
Send your videos now together with a related message you want to communicate and I will edit and upload them to those channels.

Your stories
Your stories

You all have stories to tell.
I bet you all have stories to tell!!
Now it’s your time to share them with the world.

The group
The group

The Goodnight Tango Facebook group is a private group where we simply discuss and exchange opinions on different Tango topics.

Hey… did I mention that we have lots of fun too?

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The Goodnight Tango Facebook group is a private group where we simply discuss and exchange ideas, views, and opinions on various topics around… tango (what else?).

It is also the place where you can provide feedback on the existing posts, have fun and help me with inspiration for new topics and articles!

Latest posts

  • Financial habits and finding teachers

    Financial habits and finding teachers

    In a previous post, I was writing about dancers who look poor or rich and how sometimes it’s the dancers who look poor who are actually rich. … What Robert mentioned in his response was that some fashion brands for rich people oftentimes have two…

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  • Women, sex and Tango

    Women, sex and Tango

    In my second most visited post for 2023 titled “Men, sex and Tango” I received a lot of comments that were “accusing” me of propagating a stereotype of sex-hungry men and that there are also women who misbehave and cross boundaries. In some comments, people even described personal experiences. I…

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  • Classes? Me? Why?

    Classes? Me? Why?

    A few months ago I posted an article saying that I no longer care to take classes. The day the article was posted I signed up for a weekend of classes with Paula Tejeda and Lucas Carizio. Now you are wondering if I am a split personality or if I…

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  • Why do you dance Tango?

    Why do you dance Tango?

    Why should we wait for a few professionals to win their battle with the devil and get their performances promoting social tango? Also, a performance is never done in a social context. The floor is never crowded, you cannot see the respect to your fellow dancers, and you cannot see…

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  • Poor looking rich dancers

    Poor looking rich dancers

    In Greece, there is a saying that goes like this “You can’t hide money, love and coughing!” The meaning is that like cough someone who is rich or in love cannot hide either of them with their behaviour.  Although I agree on love and cough lately I realized that money…

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  • Charity or investment?

    Charity or investment?

    One of the doubts that came up in the discussion about trophy tandas was the doubt of the dancer who is receiving the trophy tanda whether the other dancer dances with them out of pity or obligation (naming it usually as charity tanda) or whether they really want to dance…

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  • When dreams come true

    When dreams come true

    It’s not the first time I’ve listened to this. I have to admit that even the first time I had a trophy tanda I was stressed. Even to this day… after already having some experiences like… sometimes I do feel stressed… I feel my heart beating fast… my mind goes…

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Top 3 of 2023

  • Tango addicts and dealers

    Tango addicts and dealers

    If we, as dancers, are addicts, this makes the event organizers our “drug” dealers… our Tango-drug dealers. Especially the ones in our local community. They organize events where we can get our dose of Tandas. When there is a market opportunity, for example, an area or a time slot where there is no event some…

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  • Men, sex and Tango

    Men, sex and Tango

    A common misconception as already mentioned is that people who dance Tango, do so because they are trying to find a love partner. Even worse some men might think it’s a nice opportunity to hook up with lots of women and spice up their sex life. I already wrote that these misconceptions often lead to…

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  • Dialog vs fight

    Dialog vs fight

    Tango is also a social dance and being social means that it needs to integrate differences. It includes people from different cultures, backgrounds, nationalities, styles, etc., and brings them all together in its embrace. Its history is full of differences and disagreements between styles, orchestras, generations, etc. Being social means that inevitably there will be…

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