Category: Social
Posts dealing with social aspects fo Tango
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Promotions and responsibilities
Some advanced dancers will tell you that they don’t want to take on more responsibilities in their lives. They come to Tango to enjoy and have fun. They already have a lot of responsibilities in their lives and don’t want Tango to add more to them. Like the responsibility that is asked is something huge!…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Raising Tango babies
I often hear from seasoned dancers “I am not going to dance with beginners or generally people who are not at my level because… I want to have fun in the milonga… because rejection will make beginners stronger… they will build character… learn to work to reach me…”… the list can go on forever. So…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Self taught Tango toddlers
How about you? Do you have more practicas or classes in your community? Have you ever encountered a teacher that managed to excite your imagination and curiosity? Do you think that practicas are as important (or even more so) than classes or not? Let me know in a comment or with a personal message (email…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Tango advertising
A couple of posts ago I was writing about the definition of Tango professionals and how it is difficult to rate professionals and more specifically teachers in Tango since the customers in the market don’t have clear and common expectations. Although, as it was pointed out in some comments, rating teachers who are also artists…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
The Tango market problem
Where does all this leave us? Can we rate Tango teachers like any other professional out there? Can we say who is a good Tango teacher? The question can be answered when the customers have clear expectations. But is this the case? Do we even know why we start Tango? Is it the same reason…