Tag: emotions

  • A different way of learning Tango


    A different way of learning Tango

    In this post, I want to focus on the way we learn Tango. Usually, we are impressed by the shows… we go to a school and start learning steps, sequences, techniques, etc. Then, some of us who are lucky to encounter an inspiring teacher, start to get more into the music.

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  • The missing link


    The missing link

    I often wonder what is the difference between a good tanda and a magical one. You know… the one that you don’t ever forget. After the quote of El Flaco Dany in the comments of my previous post, I think I realized what it is. The second link of the chain he mentions. The heart.

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  • Rejections or losses?


    Rejections or losses?

    In our tango journeys, we often experience rejection. Dancers that we would like to dance with and never respond to our cabeceo… dancers who might have danced with them once and then they seem to constantly ignore us thereafter… and so many more stories of rejection.

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  • Mutual inspiration


    Mutual inspiration

    Many times when I am complimented at the end of a tanda I respond with something like “It wasn’t only me dancing… we both contributed to making this a nice tanda!”, However, what I often fail to communicate accurately is that the better a partner is, the more I feel free to unlock and unfold…

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  • Au revoir


    Au revoir

    In our lives, people come and go all the time. People we meet randomly in our everyday routines, colleagues, relatives, parents, friends, partners, all kinds of different relationships… close and not. Sometimes, separations are difficult… full of pain…. tears… broken hearts. Sometimes separations are easier… happier… joyful. Sometimes they are bittersweet… happy and sad at…

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