Tag: observations
Selfdriven followers
When I was in Greece I had to drive myself every morning to the office and this drove me crazy. I always dreamed of having a fully autonomous car that would just get me to wherever I wanted while I could be sleeping, reading, etc. What does this have to do with trust and musicality?…
A game with no winners or losers
Have you ever noticed that dancers who emphasize musicality tend to enjoy their dances more than others? Regardless of their partner, it seems like they are most of the time happy. I have observed that in myself as well. From the moment I focused on developing my musicality I was getting more joy out of…
Fear of honesty
Let’s play a game here. Let’s say you dance a super nice tanda with partner A and at the end of it she hugs you almost reluctantly and says thank you. Now let’s say you have partner B and you dance an equally super nice tanda. In the end, they stay in the embrace and…