Tag: opinion

  • Imagine



    In a podcast some time ago… I have listened to the phrase that the world would be a much better place if all the people knew how to dance Tango. Well, it’s obviously an exaggeration, but these days I can’t help thinking how trivial differences that lead to wars become when we embrace each other.…

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  • The imitation game


    The imitation game

    From the time we are born, we are taught to imitate and there are numerous examples of experiments that have already proven that when we join a larger group we tend to follow the example of the existing members just because mainly we are afraid of being rejected.

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  • Making plans


    Making plans

    “Do you have any plans when you go to a milonga?” …she asked me on our way back home. “I found out that when I make plans… I don’t usually enjoy the milonga… so I try not to make plans and just let myself open to surprises.”… was my answer back then.

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  • Musicality: the opinion on music


    Musicality: the opinion on music

    I never really thought about it this way until yesterday’s post… but it totally makes sense!!! The more I think about my dancing before diving into musicality and after… the more I see examples of “subjects” that I have now certain “opinions” on.

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  • What is you focus?


    What is you focus?

    I remember my teacher sometimes when he was watching us dancing before class and then commenting on all the wrong things we did technically when we were dancing. He sometimes seemed like he had an obsession with technique… and in some cases, I was thinking… well what’s the problem if you don’t do a perfect…

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