Tag: respect

  • Professional hobbyist (snob?) teachers


    Professional hobbyist (snob?) teachers

    It is very rewarding and a bliss to make work on something that started as a hobby. However from the time your hobby becomes your full time job, you get paid for it and you make a living it is getting harder and harder to see it again as a hobby. Therefore it is harder…

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  • Teachers with skin in the game


    Teachers with skin in the game

    A few weeks ago I was writing about event organizers who have skin in the game. Organizers who organize events with the main goal for them to have fun in the first place. They organize events where they can dance their asses off in the first place. Like chefs who eat the meals they cook.…

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  • Access and value of music in the age of AI


    Access and value of music in the age of AI

    So what will this mean for the value of music? Will we still appreciate it as much? Will we still appreciate artists as much? Will the even bigger abundance of music create even bigger chaos in the music industry?

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  • Maturity



    Empathy on this simple level can certainly make you a very good social dancer and moreover it will certainly help you enjoy so much more from your dance. It is a sign of maturity and respect to your partner who after all (being a professional dancer) could have easily denied your cabeseo.

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