Tag: social

  • What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life


    What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life

    In the case of the dialog and fight communities, the dialog communities have found the tool to find the way out of it. They discovered their “god from the machine” but they did not let him solve the problem alone. They moved their hand too… they took action… talked… discussed… compromised and reached the necessary…

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  • Is social tango good for shows?


    Is social tango good for shows?

    So given this contradiction, I was asking myself if social tango is good enough for performances. I mean how much would people be interested in looking at couples dancing with simple steps, without big colgadas, back sacadas, complex ganchos, and all kinds of fancy moves?

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  • Returns and departures.


    Returns and departures.

    All I know is that in this life… you end up getting what you give. So I try to give what I want to get. I try to give without second thoughts, without judgments, and without expectation for a return. I try to give even if sometimes… giving isn’t so enjoyable for me.

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  • Some like it hot!


    Some like it hot!

    So as an organizer, you can make a decision. Do I want to create a cool or a hot event? If you know you can control the number of cool kids or connectors and accept them.

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  • A challenge for teachers


    A challenge for teachers

    I have already been a teacher in other subjects in my professional career and I came to know that teaching is one of the most mentally demanding and psychologically challenging jobs one can do.

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