The last tanda

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Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is about the last tango.

Last night I wrote about the first tanda… so I thought today to write about the last one. You probably know the feeling, when you are in a milonga and you just want to dance this one “last” tanda with a specific partner (preferably also with specific music). Sometimes it happens literally on the last tanda and then you feel complete and ready to go. Sometimes it doesn’t happen at all and then you feel that something was missing from the milonga. Sometimes it happens but it still leaves you unsatisfied. Some other times you danced this “last” tanda and you feel complete and ready to go even from early in the event… every other tanda seems… just normal. Finally, sometimes it happens but not exactly as you planned… not with the partner you thought… not on the music you had in mind… not at the time you expected. But it just happened like this… unexpectedly, suddenly, unplanned, surprisingly!

Personally, I prefer this last case of “last” tandas!

Which ones are your favorites?


One response to “The last tanda”

  1. […] long time ago I wrote about the “last tanda”… not literally the last one, but the one you dance and you feel complete and ready to get […]

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