Year: 2021

  • I cannot dance to Pugliese


    I cannot dance to Pugliese

    I just can’t hide my geekiness sometimes. When I was writing about bandwidth in the previous post about presence, I was not referring to the actual network bandwidth. I was referring to a different kind of bandwidth… the human communication bandwidth. If you suppose that people are computers and they communicate with each other through…

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  • The peripheral


    The peripheral

    It was a long time since I read one of William Gibson’s books, a writer that I follow for a long time and one of the most visionaries in the cyberpunk genre. I just finished yesterday one of his latest books with the title “The peripheral”. In this book, he is writing about a reality,…

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  • Adios Buenos Aires


    Adios Buenos Aires

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango is about leaving Buenos Aires and it is inspired by the news from two very good tango friends. Our lives are like a journey and as Kavafis writes in his poem “As you set out for Ithaka hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery”. When you…

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  • Describing music


    Describing music

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango has only a guitar and a bandoneon… two instruments… nothing more! The sound is not like what you hear in typical milonga hits but it triggered one really strange observation that I’d like to share. When we describe things that we experience with our senses (vision, taste, hear, smell or touch) there…

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  • How are you?


    How are you?

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango is something I meant to write for some time now. It’s been some weeks now that I have seen a couple of very interesting videos and documentaries. The recent events in the USA are somehow explained (or even better predicted) in them even before they happened. So, I wanted to start with…

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