Year: 2021
We survived
“We survived” she said, now that we managed to meet and dance again after almost 18 months. Survival… yes… we managed to survive so far in a very strange period and I can’t help thinking of the parallels with the era when tango really thrived. It is a strange coincidence… Tango really thrived in the…
The unconscious cabeceo
I have just finished a couple of nice tandas and went into my corner… having almost sunk myself in a large comfy couch. The new tanda starts and I am not really interested in dancing. Just scanned the area around me. In front of me… a group of ladies sitting around a table is talking…
Changing tastes
It was in my first months in Frankfurt and I visited a milonga where a DJ I never heard of before was playing. To my surprise a few days ago I met the DJ and danced with her in another milonga… but that’s another story. To be honest I hadn’t danced a lot that night.…
The heartbeat of syncopation
They say there is no Tango without syncopation… and they are right. One of the first things that hits you when you start listening to Tango is this strong pa-bam beat in different places of a song. Sometimes even chained one after the other and especially in moments that need to communicate and stress something…