Au revoir

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In our lives, people come and go all the time. People we meet randomly in our everyday routines, colleagues, relatives, parents, friends, partners, all kinds of different relationships… close and not.

Sometimes, separations are difficult… full of pain…. tears… broken hearts. Sometimes separations are easier… happier… joyful. Sometimes they are bittersweet… happy and sad at the same moment. Some other times they just happen unexpectedly or silently… and finally, there are separations that hint at a possibility of reunion sometime in the future.

But in all cases, a separation marks an end… and possibly new beginnings.

Tonight’s Goodnight Tango is describing a couple that is separating and dancing their last dance. No reasons why… no further explanations… just a dancing goodbye… a separation. Although it doesn’t hint at a potential reunion sometime in the future, I think it is the perfect song to say “au revoir” to a dear friend who was traveling today away from our little nice community in Frankfurt, where she definitely left her mark.


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