Category: Self exploration
Posts about how tango relates with self development and exploration
Fear of honesty
Let’s play a game here. Let’s say you dance a super nice tanda with partner A and at the end of it she hugs you almost reluctantly and says thank you. Now let’s say you have partner B and you dance an equally super nice tanda. In the end, they stay in the embrace and…
Finding your own Tango
Dancers who really stay memorable when you dance with them, do so because they manage to express and evoke emotions. The easy part is to be happy, express joy, love, and affection. But is this our whole self? The hard part is to be able to express pain, hurt, sadness, despair, anger, and all those…
Fear of creation
Every creation needs to face the world we live in. It’s a new object that needs to get out there and be seen… judged… accepted and rejected. For the creator this creation this new thing coming to life… in the real world… Is like a child. And like any parent we are hurt when it…
Are you reading or are you dancing?
We are trained to keep our attention focused on another person (often a stranger) for about 10 minutes that a tanda lasts. Whoever dances without focusing on their partners is probably dancing something else… not Tango. So why not be able to focus ourselves on a text (often from a stranger) for half the time…
Mixed Tangos
What does it mean for me the fact that the loud Greek way of dancing Tango feels strange and alien to me? Am I infected so much by the German or northern European way of dancing? Am I becoming more of a German even in my dance? Or maybe wasn’t I ever so much Greek?