Category: Self exploration

Posts about how tango relates with self development and exploration

  • Recuerdo



    So here we are. One more year in our tango lives. Full of new experiences, embraces, tandas, music, dance, posts, changes, and most of all memories. Memories that without all of you who read, reacted, commented, and discussed these posts would not be there.

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  • Returns and departures.


    Returns and departures.

    All I know is that in this life… you end up getting what you give. So I try to give what I want to get. I try to give without second thoughts, without judgments, and without expectation for a return. I try to give even if sometimes… giving isn’t so enjoyable for me.

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  • Engineering and Tango


    Engineering and Tango

    If you give the same problem to a number of engineers it is possible to get different solutions,  each carrying something from the personality and the background of each person. Of course, there are specific patterns to be followed but again, there is plenty of room for improvisation.

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  • The butterfly effect


    The butterfly effect

    So here you go… the same song… the same melody… and just a tiny detail of a few milliseconds and you get a totally different piece altogether. A few milliseconds on your step and an enormous amount of satisfaction and joy when you make it plus a whole new sensation from the song.

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  • Maturity



    Empathy on this simple level can certainly make you a very good social dancer and moreover it will certainly help you enjoy so much more from your dance. It is a sign of maturity and respect to your partner who after all (being a professional dancer) could have easily denied your cabeseo.

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