Tag: communities

  • The lost beginners

    The lost beginners

    You have danced with the best dancers in it and people admire you when they see you on the floor. You know that although you can have fun with your old classmate it will not look as good as when you dance with the elite. So what do you do? Would you continue dancing with…


  • Tango addicts and dealers

    Tango addicts and dealers

    If we, as dancers, are addicts, this makes the event organizers our “drug” dealers… our Tango-drug dealers. Especially the ones in our local community. They organize events where we can get our dose of Tandas. When there is a market opportunity, for example, an area or a time slot where there is no event some…


  • Fear of honesty

    Fear of honesty

    Let’s play a game here. Let’s say you dance a super nice tanda with partner A and at the end of it she hugs you almost reluctantly and says thank you. Now let’s say you have partner B and you dance an equally super nice tanda. In the end, they stay in the embrace and…


  • Promotions and responsibilities

    Promotions and responsibilities

    Some advanced dancers will tell you that they don’t want to take on more responsibilities in their lives. They come to Tango to enjoy and have fun. They already have a lot of responsibilities in their lives and don’t want Tango to add more to them. Like the responsibility that is asked is something huge!…


  • Raising Tango babies

    Raising Tango babies

    I often hear from seasoned dancers “I am not going to dance with beginners or generally people who are not at my level because… I want to have fun in the milonga… because rejection will make beginners stronger… they will build character… learn to work to reach me…”… the list can go on forever. So…


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