Tag: compliments
Fear of creation
Every creation needs to face the world we live in. It’s a new object that needs to get out there and be seen… judged… accepted and rejected. For the creator this creation this new thing coming to life… in the real world… Is like a child. And like any parent we are hurt when it…
Rules, risks and returns in Tango
Did you spot the pattern? Three classic rules broken, three different results, three different gains. But is there something in common between them? Yes. The pleasure from the tanda. Either expressed verbally, with a smile or with a non breaking embrace or in any other way… These are the moments we are looking for when…
The best compliment
I wrote the other day about the last tandas and I don’t think I mentioned that for me telling someone “I think, this was my last tanda for tonight” is one of the best (if not the best) compliments. Your partner tells you that they feel so complete and happy for the night or the…