Tag: opinion
If it’s not messy… it’s not worth it!
Expressing emotions in dancing is a difficulty we have because as I also wrote there is a tendency from society to undervalue it and maybe sometimes see it as a weakness. However, it’s the only way (IMHO) to enjoy your dance.
Why is Pugliese hard to dance
I believe that, since Pugliese’s music goes to the extreme, it requires you to go to the extreme too, to really enjoy him. His music doesn’t ask…. it demands from you to open up your soul, rip your heart into pieces, and expose and present yourself to your partner in a way that makes you…
The missing link
I often wonder what is the difference between a good tanda and a magical one. You know… the one that you don’t ever forget. After the quote of El Flaco Dany in the comments of my previous post, I think I realized what it is. The second link of the chain he mentions. The heart.
Mutual inspiration
Many times when I am complimented at the end of a tanda I respond with something like “It wasn’t only me dancing… we both contributed to making this a nice tanda!”, However, what I often fail to communicate accurately is that the better a partner is, the more I feel free to unlock and unfold…