Tag: problem

  • Tango porn


    Tango porn

    Tango performances are in many cases designed to impress, much like porn videos. They are both shows. The partners even when they improvise, have a considerable amount of training between them to know very well each other to be able to perform complex moves.

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  • Hooked



    Tango as a social dance is really another social network. So, what is the investment you build in this network? Your reputation. Everyone wants to be a prominent member… a dancer that attracts others to dance… a dancer who almost always enjoys their tandas.

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  • Engineering and Tango


    Engineering and Tango

    If you give the same problem to a number of engineers it is possible to get different solutions,  each carrying something from the personality and the background of each person. Of course, there are specific patterns to be followed but again, there is plenty of room for improvisation.

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