Tag: roles

  • Silence is golden


    Silence is golden

    Sometimes, people are dancing on a role and never even realized that they can do what the opposite role does. I was always baffled by this. I still am… but a bit less than before. How could my partner talk to me?

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  • Is musicality female?


    Is musicality female?

    Somehow there is a common misconception that the woman needs to just be good at understanding and executing the “commands” of the man. Musicality seems to come a bit later as an interest for ladies/followers. That maybe explains the phenomenon but then… isn’t this maybe the mirror of the leaders’ trap of wanting to learn…

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  • When the leader becomes a follower


    When the leader becomes a follower

    A long time ago, I read a blog post from Tangomentor where he was explaining among other things that the woman in the dancing couple is actually leading the emotion. He also used a famous quote from Cacho Dante “Guys to dance tango you need to listen to the heart of the woman.” To be…

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  • The inverted caveman roles


    The inverted caveman roles

    In one of the lessons in my first year, our teacher asked us the following question. “Take one of your friends that don’t have a clue about Tango and let them see one random performance. Then ask them to tell you what they remember from it. What do you think they will answer?”

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