Tag: roles
Silence is golden
Sometimes, people are dancing on a role and never even realized that they can do what the opposite role does. I was always baffled by this. I still am… but a bit less than before. How could my partner talk to me?
Is musicality female?
Somehow there is a common misconception that the woman needs to just be good at understanding and executing the “commands” of the man. Musicality seems to come a bit later as an interest for ladies/followers. That maybe explains the phenomenon but then… isn’t this maybe the mirror of the leaders’ trap of wanting to learn…
When the leader becomes a follower
A long time ago, I read a blog post from Tangomentor where he was explaining among other things that the woman in the dancing couple is actually leading the emotion. He also used a famous quote from Cacho Dante “Guys to dance tango you need to listen to the heart of the woman.” To be…