Sur: one word, many meanings

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In my previous post, I wrote about patterns within and among languages. Yesterday, it was another great Tango By Year night traveling back to 1948. So… here is an example of how specific words in specific contexts can mean a lot more than what you can find in a dictionary…. and when you use them in art… cover them with the appropriate music… they can invoke strong emotions.

Thanks to Michael Lavocah, I learned yesterday that Sur in Spanish means simply South. However, in Argentine and in Buenos Aires where tango thrived, Sur pointed to the port where the immigrants would come to Argentine from different places so… it meant a lot more. It became a synonym for the roots, the origins of a person with all the emotional connections that one has with them. Now, the lyrics of it have been written by Homero Manzi, at a time when he had already been diagnosed with cancer and knows that his end is reaching. Reading the lyrics you can understand that this is a look back on his life and most importantly on his love with Nelly Omar. It is more like a goodbye song for her.

Now… knowing all this… listen to the song again… as your  Goodnight Tango.


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