Tag: music
Is it a party or a war?
I had a discussion the other day with a relative of mine who just finished a school for tattoo artists. The discussion evolved around the meaning of having a tattoo and what if you don’t like something after some time. In between other things, he mentioned something that struck me as quite interesting. A tattoo…
Precision, recall and musicality
Frequently, in discussions with friends, they tell me that they like such and such dancers because they find them very musical. When I ask for more details on why they think so, they have a very hard time explaining what exactly it is that they do. The answer is usually quite vague… Something like… They…
Struggling with… noise
We had a very interesting conversation last week in the newly founded group about what is musicality. If you haven’t yet joined, do so! I saw so many different responses but amongst them, there was almost always a common pattern. Most people agreed that at some level, musicality means being able to understand the different…