Year: 2022

  • Englishman in New York


    Englishman in New York

    I was an Englishman in New york… analyzing a song of a different period and genre with the tools I learned from my Tango journey so far!

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  • Maturity



    Empathy on this simple level can certainly make you a very good social dancer and moreover it will certainly help you enjoy so much more from your dance. It is a sign of maturity and respect to your partner who after all (being a professional dancer) could have easily denied your cabeseo.

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  • Counting the uncountable


    Counting the uncountable

    Expressing emotions is a purely subjective thing. Let’s take for example love as an emotion and music as a medium/language to express it. To some people expressing their love with a tango song, might feel fitting but to others, it might be more fitting to express it with a rock ballad or a jazz song,…

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  • Are there really levels in Tango?


    Are there really levels in Tango?

    When you learn a language you take classes… learn vocabulary…. grammar… syntax… writing…. listening etc. As time goes by you learn more complex things… words…. grammatic phenomena etc. until you can say you mastered it.

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  • Makes sense?


    Makes sense?

    How can you make your decisions and opinions even better? Making them sensible. A song is a series of decisions… if you manage to connect them in a logical sequence the whole dance of the song will… make sense. For example, I know that Laurenz has a long variation at the end of “No me…

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