Category: Shorts

Old short Facebook posts

  • Hugo Diaz and his magic


    Hugo Diaz and his magic

    Tonight’s goodnight tango… comes from a very special musician… and it’s dedicated to his magical instrument. The emotions expressed in this particular song… without a single word spoken… just from this one small instrument… are simply amazing! Tango for me has this element of magic and one of the most magical moments to me is…

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    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is called “Racing club”… and I think connects very well with my thoughts tonight. I have recently seen an interview with Horacio Godoy and towards the end, he was explaining that for a milonguero landing a successful cabeceo was a big deal! He was playing against all the other leaders in the…

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  • Action and reaction


    Action and reaction

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is from a guy who is suffering from her silence for three years. Much like how we all suffer from the lack of dancing (hopefully it won’t be for three years) The selection of the orchestra was inspired by your comments on yesterday’s post. Action and reaction… question and response… a discussion……

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  • The time of masks


    The time of masks

    Tonight’s goodnight tango… is talking about the singer’s pain that must be hidden to entertain us. He says that he must wear a “mask” like a clown in order to hide his true feelings. Since it is the time of masks in general… I was thinking how easy is it to hide your emotions… your…

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  • The aroma of an embrace


    The aroma of an embrace

    Tonight’s goodnight tango… is all about tango! She almost came to my face and I couldn’t avoid the cabeceo to her. It was the first time I danced with her and there are two things that made an impression. The first one, she was a bit sweaty… not a very pleasant smell… and the second,…

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