Category: Shorts

Old short Facebook posts

  • Taking risks

    Taking risks

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is actually a milonga that says that there is no country like mine (meaning Argentina obviously). There is also no better and more enjoyable way to introduce yourself to a dancer (whom you have not danced before) than a milonga tanda. I have tried that a few times and the best line…


  • Wait for it

    Wait for it

    Tonight’s goodnight tango… is coming a bit late. So I thought to post a good morning tango instead. The dry sound from the plunking of the double base chords in 1.58 is really unique. You know the feeling… you wait for it… you long for it… you are listening to the whole song for it……


  • The first cabeceo

    The first cabeceo

    Today’s goodnight tango… is about a little student girl. As I wrote yesterday, for me it was inconceivable to cabeceo. Not to mention to a follower I didn’t know. So, in the first milongas I went, I was sitting in my place dancing maybe one or two tandas. Always, with classmates that knew from the…


  • Embracing again

    Embracing again

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything about the first coffee because today was my first time out for a coffee after the quarantine. I was observing the people around us and it is obvious the fact that everyone still tries to avoid gestures like shaking hands with someone when you meet (hugs were out of the…


  • What is art?

    What is art?

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… comes from the “Señor del Tango”. What is art? Is it only a painting by a famous painter?… a song by a musician recorded somehow?… a book?… a poem?… a dance performance that we see in a theater or on a YouTube video? Of course, all of them and many more are…


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