Embracing again

Share it like your embrace

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything about the first coffee because today was my first time out for a coffee after the quarantine. I was observing the people around us and it is obvious the fact that everyone still tries to avoid gestures like shaking hands with someone when you meet (hugs were out of the question). I then compared it to the usual way we used to greet each other in milongas… a warm embrace.

Isn’t it so strange…annoying… irritating… how such a small thing as a virus can suddenly turn an embrace from a gesture of love, friendship, and caring… to a forbidden gesture of carelessness and indifference for another person? I think we also realize more than ever that even a simple handshake is a gesture of trust to someone else. The whole world now seems to appreciate a lot more such simple gestures and longs for the time when they can return to them.

I just hope we won’t forget our lesson soon.


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