Tag: dreams

  • The Tango market problem


    The Tango market problem

    Where does all this leave us? Can we rate Tango teachers like any other professional out there? Can we say who is a good Tango teacher? The question can be answered when the customers have clear expectations. But is this the case? Do we even know why we start Tango? Is it the same reason…

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  • What story are you telling?


    What story are you telling?

    “I now understand how important it is to listen to a lot of music.” A good friend (follower) told me recently. She explained that when she knows the song she feels more confident and natural for her to also contribute to the dance.

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  • Tango porn


    Tango porn

    Tango performances are in many cases designed to impress, much like porn videos. They are both shows. The partners even when they improvise, have a considerable amount of training between them to know very well each other to be able to perform complex moves.

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  • My best photos


    My best photos

    In most of my tango dancing photos I look so serious… maybe sad… like I’m in a funeral or something. I guess that’s the reason why I hardly find my face in photos from events like marathons etc. However, I recently saw a photo that really made my day. No, I was not smiling… not…

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  • 2020… what a year?


    2020… what a year?

    WOW! What a year! If there is one thing that you do every year around this time is to look back on what happened in your life in the year that is ending and dream about the new one that comes. Well, I think that for most of us, the dreams for 2020 were quite…

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