Tag: funny
When DiSarli sounds like D’Arienzo
We danced a super nice tanda and she was complimenting me and how I evolved in my dancing. I returned the compliments since she has also evolved quite a lot since we both started dancing… and then she says… “Yes… this D’Arienzo Tanda was super!”… and I respond… “Actually… it was Di Sarli… but you…
The unconscious cabeceo
I have just finished a couple of nice tandas and went into my corner… having almost sunk myself in a large comfy couch. The new tanda starts and I am not really interested in dancing. Just scanned the area around me. In front of me… a group of ladies sitting around a table is talking…
Changing tastes
It was in my first months in Frankfurt and I visited a milonga where a DJ I never heard of before was playing. To my surprise a few days ago I met the DJ and danced with her in another milonga… but that’s another story. To be honest I hadn’t danced a lot that night.…