Tag: social

  • The imitation game


    The imitation game

    From the time we are born, we are taught to imitate and there are numerous examples of experiments that have already proven that when we join a larger group we tend to follow the example of the existing members just because mainly we are afraid of being rejected.

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  • I am a snob dancer


    I am a snob dancer

    “When I first saw you in milongas I thought you were arrogant… a snob” she said after having met with me and having already got to know me a bit better. I get it… most of the time when I am not dancing, I am sitting in a corner all alone… not talking to anyone……

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  • Presuppositions and reality


    Presuppositions and reality

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… talks about an endless search for this one love! Having said enough about my fears in the previous posts I will try tonight to go on the other side. I recently saw a very interesting discussion with Sabrina Veliz, Milena Plebs, and Noelia Hurtado. Among the different things they mentioned… the discussion…

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  • Tango and dementia


    Tango and dementia

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… continues on the theme of memory from last night, but this time on the other side… oblivion! One of the things that I remember from these years of the research project is the nurses telling us that in order to minimize the risk of dementia one must be active physically, mentally, and…

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