Tag: story

  • The Greek Tango


    The Greek Tango

    “Where are you from?” she asks… “From Greece” I answer… “You Greeks… dance like you have music inside you. Do you have anything similar as music or dance?” she asks… and my mind races directly to my other favorite dance. Zeimpekiko. A dance that like Tango does not have sequences… does not have a choreography……

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  • My best photos


    My best photos

    In most of my tango dancing photos I look so serious… maybe sad… like I’m in a funeral or something. I guess that’s the reason why I hardly find my face in photos from events like marathons etc. However, I recently saw a photo that really made my day. No, I was not smiling… not…

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  • Taste is a matter of time


    Taste is a matter of time

    “What is your favorite orchestra?” she asked… and it took me a few seconds to think about it. Finally, I ended up saying that I don’t have a specific favorite orchestra but this changes from time to time depending on my mood and current situation. I always thought that this is a stupid answer just…

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  • Embracing the unexpected


    Embracing the unexpected

    We are dancing and suddenly she does a couple of more steps than I had expected. Not breaking the embrace… not getting out of rhythm or music… just a couple of notes more that she notices and emphasizes. I get what she noticed and let her know it was nice. When the song ends… she…

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  • Open air milongas


    Open air milongas

    Now that Corona seems to leave us and we return to some kind of normal we return also to dancing. Of course, some restrictions still apply and in many places, open-air practicas, milongas, and similar gatherings are organized in all kinds of locations. I was discussing the other day in one such open-air gathering with…

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