Category: Social

Posts dealing with social aspects fo Tango

  • Are you a diamond or a bottle of water?


    Are you a diamond or a bottle of water?

    Imagine that someone offers to give you for free a diamond or a bottle of water. Which one would you choose? I guess that most people reading this question would answer… “The diamond”. If you compare the prices of the two goods, there is no doubt that diamonds cost more. That is why you would…

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  • The easiest kind of teacher on earth!


    The easiest kind of teacher on earth!

    I spent 10 years of my life teaching in various settings. I learned a lot about the skill of teaching and honestly, that is why I don’t aspire to become a Tango teacher. Recently I discovered how much easier it can be to be a tango teacher. I had an exchange with a teacher and…

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  • Easy assumptions


    Easy assumptions

    In one comment I received in a previous post one of the double role advocates was writing about all the different reasons why one should learn and dance both roles. In the end, she ended up saying that people who don’t want to dance with same-gender people must have some insecurity about their sexuality. Strike…

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  • The quality-quantity paradox


    The quality-quantity paradox

    Last week I asked the blog readers community if they focus on having quantity or quality of tandas in their milonga experience. After gathering some answers a pattern started to emerge. People tend to focus on quantity in their first years and then on quality. To me, this makes perfect sense. Have a look at…

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  • It is a woman’s world.


    It is a woman’s world.

    In a comment I received on my post about men in Tango, there was the suggestion that we don’t have enough good leaders and that followers turning to leaders will increase competition between leaders pushing them to get better. In theory, this argument sounds perfect. Indeed. In a market with a small amount of suppliers…

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