Tag: advice
The missing link
I often wonder what is the difference between a good tanda and a magical one. You know… the one that you don’t ever forget. After the quote of El Flaco Dany in the comments of my previous post, I think I realized what it is. The second link of the chain he mentions. The heart.
When DiSarli sounds like D’Arienzo
We danced a super nice tanda and she was complimenting me and how I evolved in my dancing. I returned the compliments since she has also evolved quite a lot since we both started dancing… and then she says… “Yes… this D’Arienzo Tanda was super!”… and I respond… “Actually… it was Di Sarli… but you…
Making plans
“Do you have any plans when you go to a milonga?” …she asked me on our way back home. “I found out that when I make plans… I don’t usually enjoy the milonga… so I try not to make plans and just let myself open to surprises.”… was my answer back then.