Tag: emotions
The best compliment
I wrote the other day about the last tandas and I don’t think I mentioned that for me telling someone “I think, this was my last tanda for tonight” is one of the best (if not the best) compliments. Your partner tells you that they feel so complete and happy for the night or the…
A last tanda to remember
A long time ago I wrote about the “last tanda”… not literally the last one, but the one you dance and you feel complete and ready to get back home in peace. A few days ago in a marathon, I bumped into a friend on the first night of the event, and when I ask…
Sharing sorrow and happiness
There is a Greek saying that describes this process quite accurately… “A shared happiness is growing to double and a shared sorrow is lowering to half.”. So this conversation… this sharing of your feelings is actually softening your sorrow or doubling your happiness.