Tag: life

  • Returning home


    Returning home

    A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit a milonga in my hometown. I was born and lived till I was 18 in a small town called Xanthi in Greece. The old town of Xanthi is a very picturesque and lovely place that I keep dear in my heart because these are the…

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  • Apples, oranges and human brains


    Apples, oranges and human brains

    The training required for a human brain to recognize the pattern of an orange, apple, or any other object for that matter is really minimal. Sometimes you don’t even need the visual stimuli but only a verbal description of the object can be enough to train your brain to identify those objects. But this pattern…

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  • Men, sex and Tango


    Men, sex and Tango

    A common misconception as already mentioned is that people who dance Tango, do so because they are trying to find a love partner. Even worse some men might think it’s a nice opportunity to hook up with lots of women and spice up their sex life. I already wrote that these misconceptions often lead to…

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  • Finding your own Tango


    Finding your own Tango

    Dancers who really stay memorable when you dance with them, do so because they manage to express and evoke emotions. The easy part is to be happy, express joy, love, and affection. But is this our whole self? The hard part is to be able to express pain, hurt, sadness, despair, anger, and all those…

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  • What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life


    What can Pugliese’s music teach you about life

    In the case of the dialog and fight communities, the dialog communities have found the tool to find the way out of it. They discovered their “god from the machine” but they did not let him solve the problem alone. They moved their hand too… they took action… talked… discussed… compromised and reached the necessary…

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