Tag: musicality
5 in 1
In my previous post, I wrote how some tango songs seem to strike a perfect macaroon-like balance between different elements in their music and how this makes them irresistible! Extending this line of thought one could think the same about dancing. If a perfect song makes you want to listen to it again and again…
The heartbeat of syncopation
They say there is no Tango without syncopation… and they are right. One of the first things that hits you when you start listening to Tango is this strong pa-bam beat in different places of a song. Sometimes even chained one after the other and especially in moments that need to communicate and stress something…
I cannot dance to Pugliese
I just can’t hide my geekiness sometimes. When I was writing about bandwidth in the previous post about presence, I was not referring to the actual network bandwidth. I was referring to a different kind of bandwidth… the human communication bandwidth. If you suppose that people are computers and they communicate with each other through…
Why you?
Tonight’s goodnight tango… is about her… or as the title says… “you”. I wrote many days ago about the first time you dance with someone. In that post, I focused on what happens after you start dancing. But in this post, I would like to focus on what happened before. How do you select and…
Rediscovering music
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is a song that you have to hear quite a lot of times. Every time you listen to it (if you haven’t already listened to it hundreds of times)… you’ll discover something different…. something new… a detail you missed. One of the things I still remember my tango teacher shouting at us…