Tag: opinion

  • True leaders

    True leaders

    My most visited post in 2023 had been triggered by a post of one of the major community leaders in Frankfurt. After a few weeks of my post, I saw a new one from the same person publicly accepting that he went too far in the previous post and that he shouldn’t have done so.…


  • The biggest barrier to Tango!

    The biggest barrier to Tango!

    The 3rd of December is the International Day for people with disabilities. A few days before that I had posted an article about technique and the obsession that sometimes we have with technique that takes away our focus from the real pleasure of the dance which is the communication of emotions. In one of the…


  • Presence: The key to get connected

    Presence: The key to get connected

    You can easily understand when your partner is distracted. Even worse when they are totally absent. If they intentionally choose not to follow something and suggest something else they would immediately follow up with their idea and I would try to tune in. You understand that they are there and make choices. But if there…


  • The beauty and the beast

    The beauty and the beast

    They aim also to make us look nice when we dance. Improve the aesthetics of our dance. You probably admire those dancers on the floor with nice posture and clean, straight lines when they move. So the question that always bothered me is how much of this technique is functionally necessary and how much is…


  • Perpetual beginners and useless teachers

    Perpetual beginners and useless teachers

    In one of my previous posts about the lost beginners, a reader of the blog shared it with a phrase he remembers his teacher telling him. “This is a perpetual beginner…” he said. The discussion that followed was a very interesting and enlightening one and it went in the direction of whose fault and responsibility…


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