Tag: performance
2021 in review
I wanted to post this before the end of 2021 as it is usually a time of retrospective. We usually look back on the year that is leaving and think about what went well and what was bad… what made us happy and what was sad. However, I wasn’t sure which song to attach to…
Embracing the unexpected
We are dancing and suddenly she does a couple of more steps than I had expected. Not breaking the embrace… not getting out of rhythm or music… just a couple of notes more that she notices and emphasizes. I get what she noticed and let her know it was nice. When the song ends… she…
I cannot dance to Pugliese
I just can’t hide my geekiness sometimes. When I was writing about bandwidth in the previous post about presence, I was not referring to the actual network bandwidth. I was referring to a different kind of bandwidth… the human communication bandwidth. If you suppose that people are computers and they communicate with each other through…
Tribute to DJs
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… comes after a request from a friend who sometimes acts as a Tango DJ. It also comes with a performance just because some of my non-tango friends need to understand that this IS tango… it is danceable… and yes… we DO dance it! It was only a few months ago in the…