Category: Default

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  • Charity or investment?

    Charity or investment?

    One of the doubts that came up in the discussion about trophy tandas was the doubt of the dancer who is receiving the trophy tanda whether the other dancer dances with them out of pity or obligation (naming it usually as charity tanda) or whether they really want to dance with them.


  • When dreams come true

    When dreams come true

    It’s not the first time I’ve listened to this. I have to admit that even the first time I had a trophy tanda I was stressed. Even to this day… after already having some experiences like… sometimes I do feel stressed… I feel my heart beating fast… my mind goes crazy… and this is when…


  • Chasing trophy tandas

    Chasing trophy tandas

    “I made it.”… they told me. “I danced with X.”… mentioning a famous dancer and then we continued our discussion about how it felt etc. Oftentimes people tell me about how they danced with such and such a partner who is someone famous or a teacher or a prominent advanced dancer in some way. I…


  • Inspiring stories

    Inspiring stories

    “You look so passionate when you talk about Tango!” a colleague of mine told me at a recent dinner with my team from work. Indeed, when I start speaking about Tango with a group of people who are not dancers I light up! You can see in my body language that I am excited about…


  • Is it a party or a war?

    Is it a party or a war?

    I had a discussion the other day with a relative of mine who just finished a school for tattoo artists. The discussion evolved around the meaning of having a tattoo and what if you don’t like something after some time. In between other things, he mentioned something that struck me as quite interesting. A tattoo…


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