Category: Social

Posts dealing with social aspects fo Tango

  • Rejections or losses?

    Rejections or losses?

    In our tango journeys, we often experience rejection. Dancers that we would like to dance with and never respond to our cabeceo… dancers who might have danced with them once and then they seem to constantly ignore us thereafter… and so many more stories of rejection.


  • Music industry now and then

    Music industry now and then

    A few weeks ago I bumped into an article discussing a current phenomenon in the music industry. As it appears from different statistics people tend to prefer older music more than new (whereas new is the music released in the last 18 months). The article more or less suggested that this is a failure of…


  • Coexistence


    So, apart from many other things… Tango and its evolution through time, managed to bridge somehow the gaps of social classes and bring together people under the umbrella of music and emotions communicated through it. That is, I guess, one more reason that makes it so universal!


  • The inverted caveman roles

    The inverted caveman roles

    In one of the lessons in my first year, our teacher asked us the following question. “Take one of your friends that don’t have a clue about Tango and let them see one random performance. Then ask them to tell you what they remember from it. What do you think they will answer?”


  • Crazy censorship

    Crazy censorship

    I was inspired to write a kind of political post connecting the history of tango and especially the censorship it has gone through from the oppressive regime of Peron. Today, sadly, we relive in the most horrible way, how such a madness of some politicians can drive even the whole planet to chaos.


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